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Email Disclaimer

Hey, we know its long and a lot to read but it is necessary and important!

Thank you for your interest in the communications of Naked Accounting Pty Ltd ACN 638 077 915 (“Naked”) trading as Naked Accounting. Please be aware that the security of electronic communications cannot be guaranteed, and therefore, we cannot guarantee or warrant the confidentiality, privacy, or security of any information transmitted through this email. Although we have taken reasonable measures to ensure that this email and any attachments are free from computer viruses or other defects, we cannot guarantee that they are free from such defects.

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As a reminder, it is important to be vigilant in protecting your personal and professional information from cyber threats. Please take appropriate measures to secure your electronic devices, passwords, and sensitive information. In addition, please be wary of suspicious emails or links, and do not provide any personal information unless you have verified the authenticity of the request.

Please be advised that our liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

'Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation'

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